Thursday, September 26, 2013


Our breakfast today was enhanced by the addition of a shared bowl of boiled eggs, as well as, the usual fare – fresh baked torta, chocolate croissant, cereal and fruit. 
The team left for the school at 7:45 AM, as usual, and one volunteer prepared for  a tutorial with Carmen and Antonella. The theme today was consistent with one the school’s lessons – the Celts.  The topic was the Iron Age civilization, which populated most of Western Europe circa 600 BC; but interestingly, only reached the Dolomites in Italy. The reality and the myths were explored surrounding Boudicca, the warrior queen of the Iceni, who defeated the Roman legion in Londinium in a brutal and bloody battle, causing the Roman Emperor to withdraw his troops from ancient Britain altogether.

One surprise for the day was a visit from two male young students, both studying at the University of Bari. Jan spent an hour together with, before I joining the rest of the team for a delightful lunch.

 Some came back to earth with afternoon tutorials and class preparation before the close of the day. The day concluded with dinner at the hotel and our nightly team wrap-up. 



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